
Heart of Extension

The Heart of Extension Award is given to an outstanding EANM member each year whose daily life demonstrates the qualities and attributes of the Extension Association at their EANM Club & State levels as well as in their communities. Eligible nominees must be members in good standing.

Image of Jo Ann Brennen

2016 Winner Jo Ann Brennen

Pioneer Award

The Pioneer Award was started in 1987 by the Extension Association of New Mexico and the New Mexico Commission on the Status of Women. The Pioneer Award recognizes an Extension Association of New Mexico member for outstanding leadership and accomplishments in her community and state and for demonstrating the pioneering spirit that keeps New Mexico strong.

This award is presented annually at the EANM conference with the New Mexico State University Department of Extension Family and Community Science as co-sponsor.

Election is made by consideration in each of the following area:

  • Contributions to other Extension Association members
  • Unique hurdles overcome in the person's life
  • Pioneering spirit/frontier spirit
  • Role model or mentor for other women

Homemaker of the Year

Instructions: Nominee’s name is to appear in the nomination resume. The nominee must have been an EANM member for five years or more. The nominee may be nominated as often as the club wishes unless the nominee has received the Homemaker of the Year Award in the last three years. The Resume is to be attached to the nomination form and submitted in single to the State President.

Guidelines: EANM include all offices held at the club, district, and state levels. Include also, committees served on at the club, district, and state levels.

Community Involvement: This should include church, school, civic organizations and offices held for groups other than EANM. Include health field volunteer if applicable. Home & Family Involvement should include support of family member’s involvement in outside activities or self involvement. Home schooling of family may also be included. Include any information that is important to the nomination.

Image of homemaker

50 or 60 Year Member Certificates

To be eligible for the 50 or 60 year member certificate, a person must be a current member of EANM, and have been a member in good standing for a total of 50 or 60 years. To obtain the 50 or 60 year member certificate, a member must apply through his/her club/county by sending their name, address and year joined to the state president prior to the annual state meeting. It is suggested that 50 & 60 year members be recognized and honored at the District Meeting and the Annual State Meeting.

Image of 50 Year Member

2016 50 Year Member

Honorary Member Award

The honorary Member Award is given to an individual selected by a unanimous vote of the EANM Board of Directors for lifetime membership because of their dedicated efforts on behalf of Extension Association.

The Outstanding EANM Family Award

Local Level: To honor a worthy "EANM Family" during State EANM Week.
District Level: (If applicable) To honor "EANM Family" chosen from among those selected as local winners.
State Level: To honor one "EANM Family" chosen from among those selected as local or district winners.

Eligible Families
Any Family is eligible whose primary recipient is a current EANM member, regardless of family structure, such as a single parent or grandparents and children.

The families nominated for local, district and state recognition should be exemplary in character and ability and inspiring in their proven capacity to serve others by involvement in community, state and national activities.